See you next year!
Save the date
May 31, 2025
Celebrate the people, businesses, and infrastructure
that comprise the heart of Casco Bay's ocean economy.
From Becky's Diner to the Maine State Pier,
we welcome you onto Portland’s working wharves
to tour vessels, see real working gear & hands-on exhibits, ask questions about the marine industry and sea farming with commercial fishermen, and most importantly
to celebrate Maine’s coastal cultural identity and
elevate the value and attention paid to our
extraordinary working waterfront.

Visit Rocky Bottom Fisheries at Portland Pier to meet local lobstermen, see a demonstration on how a lobster trap works and tour their facility.
See commercial fishing nets in action at “The Desert” on Merrils’s Wharf and learn more about the techniques used by commercial fishermen while at sea.
Tour Coast Guard Vessels
On Wrights Wharf, the United States Coast Guard invites visitors to tour their 87’ coast guard ship and the 140’ icebreaking tug. They have a Response boat and an AIDS to Navigation boat on display along with information at the CG Auxiliary booth, Law Enforcement booth and also the Pollution Response Specialist booth which include an opportunity to meet with the pollution responders and the drone operations team. If weather permits they will conduct a helicopter rescue swimmer demonstration!
Over at the Maine State Pier, take a sail on a historic schooner or tour the City fireboat and talk to the firefighters who keep Casco Bay Island residents connected to Portland’s emergency services!

Along the walk, there are many opportunities to learn more about our local marine industry and sample seafood products, purchase snacks, and stay hydrated with cold water available at the Eimskip water station. Don’t miss Portland’s iconic Harbor Fish Market on Custom House Wharf! Dating back to the 1800s, Harbor Fish Market is a Portland waterfront landmark and the perfect authentic fish market experience with a large variety of fish and other seafood, much of which is caught or farmed in the Gulf of Maine.
Nearby, the Gulf of Maine Research Institute is opening its doors and outdoor lawn and inviting folks to interact with their experts on aquaculture, sea level rise, seafood quality analysis and more! Visitors can participate in a virtual trap sorting exercise in their renowned Cohen Center for Interactive Learning and experience an oyster-filled touch tank. There is something for everyone.
Inform the future
Find posted signs along Commercial Street inviting you to share your pictures and observations on the weather, water level, and impact concerns associated with localized coastal flooding. As part of GMRI’s Coastal Flooding Community Science Project, this data will inform and prioritize future decisions to support coastal community resilience planning. Help your community gather data around high tides and storms, anytime, all year long!

Participating Organizations
Atlantic Sea Farms
Bangs Island Mussels
Becky's Diner
Big Fish Gyotaku
Bristol Seafood
Casco Bay Estuary Partnership
DiMilllo's on the Water
Fogg's Water Taxi & Charters
Friends of Casco Bay
Friends of Fort Gorges
Gulf of Maine Research Institute
Harbor Fish Market
Lady Shuckers
Luke's Lobster
Maine Coast Fisherman's Association
Maine Coastal Program
Maine Port Authority
Nanuq Kayaking
One Climate Future
Portland Fire Department
Portland Harbor Master
Portland Schooner Co.
Rocky Bottom Fisheries
Seafarers' Friends
The Waterfront Alliance
United States Coast Guard